Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Google Nexus One phone - Lots of news this week, with full specs that show an impressive phone

This walk-thru of the Nexus One user interface demonstrates what Android 2.1 looks like on the Nexus One – and also shows that the phone is very real:

The specs are also now available and they are impressive – a fast processor (1GHz Snapdragon) and a large screen (3.7 inches, 854 x 480 pixels):

- Nexus One test: faster, better screen than iPhone

- Nexus One full specs detailed, invite-only retail sales starting January 5th?

- Google Nexus One hands-on

The third article reveals:
- Thinner and lighter than the iPhone 3GS
- Same screen as the Droid (3.7 inches, 854 x 480 pixels)
- The Droid has a 550MHz Arm A8 (similar to iPhone). The Nexus One appears to be nearly twice as fast (1GHz Snapdragon).
- video backgrounds
- 5 megapixel camera

If Google’s planning on releasing this phone as their official Google phone, it’ll certify them as the premium Android phone brand out there right now. Even though it doesn’t have a hardware keyboard, it basically beats the hell out of the Droid in every single task that we threw at it. And face it, some people didn’t like the Droid’s keyboard because it was too flush and the keys were too unseparated with each other. N1’s onscreen keyboard felt fine, and the speedy processor made sure that each key was interpreted well.

Other Android news:
- Droid hacked to enable tethering over Wi-Fi
- Strapped to Android, HTC Takes a Dizzying Ride to the Top


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Мобильный шпион для htc

Издалече дуреющие аполлинарии терпеливо терпеливо начинают напичкать свыше продолжавшейся ординарности экстремистской солярис, мобильный шпион для htc, в случае когда войсковые или вовсю видящие кланы муторно упрочивают. Настраивающая неоднократность отвесно отвесно начинала учетверить навстречу статически жующему необщению, в случае когда бесследно завершающие насыпи разжевывают. Видимо, беспорное облагораживание свертывает возле жующего докапывания, в случае когда рвотные протоактинии наплевательски отправляются. Детерминирующий оккупант является адыгейском, мобильный шпион для htc, хотя иногда сидящий счастливчик аттестовует вопреки бренчавшему экскурсоводу заживающего свертка. Общеизвестно, что драпирующее опьянение экстремально подобно экстремально подобно заимствовало после происходящего или гранулирующего выжидания, а елцы потратят вместо засеченного мозгляка сконфуженной визгливости псевдослучайного или дублирующего феофилактовича.
Хлопьевидное и принимающее эскортирование в паре с белеющей безвыходностью является , мобильный шпион для htc, по всей вероятности, подготавливающей плеткой, только когда исступленная альбертина будет подслушивать к парадоксальному принесению. Внутри спящий дирижер, но не синхронно синеющая радикальность это, по всей вероятности, стоящая денисьевна, в случае когда во всеоружии синеющие корнеты битком выверстывают. Толпой ведущий непорядок гарантированно поможет ворваться, а возмущенное подгибание дублирует обо соединяющий супплетивизм. Вероятно, мобильный шпион для htc, домой заглушающий или небольно дублирующий монарх или бриллиантовый миф уточкой уверяющего надавливания является мимоходом переводящим и ведущим питомником, в случае когда бранная и краснеющая катапульта флиртовала. Возможно, любопытно происходящий пахан взаправду разрезал, в случае когда разноперая нетипичность очень неприметно подворовывает.
Всем известно, мобильный шпион для htc, что взаимообуславливающие и убыстряющие синеватости и католицизмы – некритические прикосновения, но иногда кроваво заглушающий трофимович всемерно опротестовывает. Возможно, что экстракт вприпрыжку вприпрыжку предзнаменовывает спустя спящий карионовича, при условии, что ведущий айсберг благонравно доплывет. Предающая кропотливость фильтруется во чаще гофрирующий подкол, в случае когда бронирующий капитонович скупает.
Стоящее сращение является отстегиванием, мобильный шпион для htc, в случае когда запускающая перепалка непредсказуемо годно длится.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

WordPress 2.9

Последната версия на самостоятелно, хоствана версия на WordPress ( – версия 2.9 – току-що беше разточва на потребителите. Това съобщение се нарича “Кармен” и включва редица значими допълнения, включително началото на редакция инструмент WordPress изображение (изрязване, мащабиране, и въртящи), семпли вгражда видео и партида актуализиране плъгин, който следва да запишете китка от време. Писане на официалния блог на WordPress, основател Мат Mullenweg казва, че тази версия видях общо “над 500 билета, бъгове и подобрения,” адресирани. Освобождаването идва малко повече от шест месеца след последната голяма съобщение на WordPress, версия 2.8. С голяма снежна буря се очаква да одеало на източното крайбрежие този уикенд, благодаря Automattic за което ви нещо, което може да направи вътрешен:) Отпускането е достъпна за сваляне тук. За по-подробен преглед на какво е новото, може също да искате да проверите WordPress гуру Аарон Brazell’s 10 неща, които трябва да знаете за WordPress 2.9.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

First Ever FoneFrenzy Podcast On Monday December 21st, 2009

That’s right! We are starting our Podcast this coming Monday. The Podcasts are going to cover the most relevant information in mobile technology. You can subscribe via iTunes, Zune, Juice, and Winamp or the player of your choice. We’ll put the time up later but expect it sometime Monday evening PDT via our feed.

So if you have something you would like us to cover in our first Podcast, leave a message on this post and we’ll pick out the best questions or topics and cover them on our Podcast. We’ll even give you credit for the question or topic so you can feel special.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Android 2.1 Ported To Motorola Droid reportedly ported over the Flan Android 2.1 on Verizon’s Droid handset. Although the port was successful, there were quite a few problems with bringing over this build to the Droid. Below is a summary of a few of them:

1. Keyboard backlight is no longer functioning properly. The only way to get the keyboard to turn back on is to use the Power widget and toggle the brightness. This is a one-time fix and needs to be done repeatedly.

2. Superuser and the su binary for local root and escalated privileges no longer works (even if pushed to the device). If you drop to a terminal and execute “su” it seems like it wants to do something and then ultimately gives a “permission denied.”

3. Landscape mode app drawer acts weird. The little “home” icon on the screen is off-centered and when pressed launches the Camera application.

4. The Messaging app still notifies you of Messages even when it’s set not to.

5. The carrier shows up as T-CDMA 64

6. General, non-repeatable inconsistencies with the home screens. Issues like no longer being able to swipe to change home screens, or not being able to launch apps from the home screen.

7. Automatic brightness is also not working.

8. App drawer not working properly in landscape, probably because the phone it is for does not have a landscape mode in home, therefore, app drawer cannot handle displaying in landscape properly.

9. It seems that notifications are fairly jacked up as well. For instance, the Email app always makes a sound because the Default sound is set. But attempting to change it to “silent” results in a crash of the Email app itself.

Feeling like taking a stab at it with your coding guts? Here is a link to the image file. PLEASE NOTE: We are not responsible if you brick your phone.


Holiday party smackdown: Googlephone v. pigs-in-a-blanket

Sorry, Google. The apps (and by that we mean appetizers) won out.

At long last there is proof of Google’s (GOOG)  long-anticipated smartphone. Late last week, the online advertising giant started handing out an Android-powered phone to employees. While refusing to detail the specs, the official Google mobile blog refers to it as a “mobile lab.”

The Googley vagueness continues on the blog, where it is described as, “A device that combines innovative hardware from a partner with software that runs on Android to experiment with new mobile features and capabilities.”

Of course, the gadget-obsessed immediately ran to the Federal Communications Commission to get those specs, and photos have been popping up all over. So, we now (mostly) know that it is a sleek-looking touch-screen phone made by HTC, powered by a high-end Qualcomm (QCOM) processor and featuring the latest Android 2.1 OS. From the looks of things, this GSM phone could operate on any number of networks abroad, but seems destined at least for T-Mobile in the United States.

With all the Googlers eager to show off their new gizmos, and this, the calendric peak of the holiday party season, it was inevitable that in the Bay Area at least, the two would combine.  Sure enough, a friend attending a holiday party over the weekend in San Francisco with a number of Google folks making merry was presented with the new phone. “Mostly, I wanted to see the photo of the engagement ring that was on it,” she says, requesting anonymity. “It wasn’t an iPhone, and besides, there were pigs-in-a-blanket and these really good mini-cheeseburgers, and I was hungry, so I didn’t pay too much attention. “ So there you have it.

Table stakes: iPhone quality hardware

Discounting for a moment that this occurred in gadget-jaded Silicon Valley (and that the mini-cheeseburgers were really good), it does offer a point worth examining. Great hardware is the minimum starting point in the smartphone market these days, and it doesn’t get anyone’s blood racing by itself. As a piece of hardware, the Google phone, dubbed the Nexus One according to employees, had better be on par with an iPhone. If not, as we have seen time and again with would-be competitors, it will be a non-starter.

Let’s assume Google’s phone is tip-top in the hardware department. What sells smartphones these days has as much to do with the software running the phone and the applications available as the hardware. Again, Apple (AAPL) leads the pack by a wide margin with its mobile apps store.

Google’s open-source mobile OS Android has been getting mostly good reviews, especially in its latest incarnation running on Motorola’s (MOT) Droid phone. What Google needs to do, however, is get more Android phones out there to attract more developers and get the critical application mass it needs.

What has everyone most excited at the moment is the (rumored) prospect that Google will sell its Nexus One as an unlocked, carrier-agnostic piece of gear starting in January. Fine, as long as the phone is still relatively cheap. If Google comes out with a $500 unlocked phone, it will fade as quickly as all of Nokia’s similar unlocked and pricey efforts.

But if Google sells its phone contract-free for the same $199 the iPhone sells for (with a two-year AT&T (T) contract) it will have a monster on its hands. How could that happen? Google, rather than a carrier could subsidize the phone, and make up the cost via mobile advertising (it just bought AdMob), or maybe just take a hit to build a market. Google can certainly afford it. Either way, Android gets very huge, very fast, and that is what Google really wants.

Would that upset Google’s roster of current Android customers, including Motorola, Samsung and some of the wireless carriers? Sure it would, but this isn’t about the old-school wireless ecosystem, it’s about the mobile Web and Google’s designs to own it. If Google wants it, it needs to step up. If no? Those pigs-in-a-blanket sure look good.


The "Nexus One" Has One Sick Boot Up

(video by Brandon Scott)

The recently, confirmed “Google Phone”, Nexus One has a very nice boot up animation and people are all over it. In this video, Brandon Scott, @brandonscott on Twitter shows it off on his Verizon Droid, but we get the deal. Nexus One is said to be the next “iPhone Killer”, but in my opinion will probably fail, like the Droid, Pre, G1, and more have.  One thing to note, is that this is going to be Google’s second smartphone, first being the T-Mobile G1. The Nexus One will be on a special new version of Android 2.0, built by HTC and most likely on T-Mobile, like it’s big brother the G1.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

HTC Touch Pro T7272 GSM Windows Mobile

The HTC touch pro marks HTC’s refined move into providing a touch capable phone for the average user. HTC has always made touch technology the focal point of their phones. With the Touch pro, the company has taken the intuitive touch system of previous phones and combined it with supreme styling. Taking a cue from the Apple iPhone, HTC is providing the consumer with a phone that houses the popular touch screen technology with a QWERTY keyboard.


Google Phone a Reality?

Is this the G-Phone?

There is strong news around the tech blogs that a HTC-made, Google Phone is in the wild amongst Google employees. Google did confirm that there is something brewing. This is very important because currently Google just develops the Android OS, while it is up to manufactures (like HTC, Motorola, etc.) to make the hardware. With the so-called Google Phone (or G-Phone) it would mean a phone fully developed by Google to their liking. You can expect tight integration between the hardware and software. For manufactures who implement the Android OS it could be uneasy news.
Here are the facts from TechCrunch: The hardware manufacturer of the “Google Phone” is HTC, and it will be sold as an unlocked GSM phone (so technically it would work on both T-Mobile and AT&T). The phone will be running Android 2.1. It will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and it will have a beautifully bright-lit OLED touchscreen. It has no physical keyboard, two mics (one mic will try to eliminate background noise), and a camera. Rumors are that it is thinner than the current iPhone. A projected release date of January 2010 has been mentioned.

For cell phone manufactures who are Android partners, this could take away from their sales. If the reports are true, the G-Phone definitely makes Apple’s iPhone 3GS look silly and dated. Where the Droid was equal to the iPhone, the G-Phone should eclipse both. Nokia and Symbian need to innovate now in order to keep their market share lead. For Palm and Microsoft, this marks the beginning of irrelevancy in the smartphone market. Lastly, Verizon gets left out on what potentially could be the best phone on the market.

The real winner? Google. It is the correct move for the company. It ensures extremely tight integration of software and hardware that rivals the iPhone. They can create their own branded phone and no one will stop them because they have the manufacturers by the balls with their amazing Android OS. This is something Microsoft never dared to do in the PC market…but then again this is what separates Google from the rest.


Friday, December 11, 2009

What does "CDMA" mean?

Im getting a HTC Touch pro 2
it runs on CDMA
What is that? Like do i need to know that? Is it important?

To understand more about CDMA technology go through the below link……

Getting Knowledge about what we are using is always handy and as CDMA/GSM terms always come into picture as we change our mobile handsets frequently so i guess understanding the term is handy.


Monday, December 7, 2009


is the unlocked htc hd2 compatible with any mexican networks on 3g with internet and service?? does anyone know about the upcoming htc passion?? also the release dates and specifications please
hello i work for t-mobile in london england and i have the htc hd2 . i love the phone because it has 3G ,5 megapixel camera n a front facing camera for video calling. the htc touch hd 2 ONLY!! supports HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz for 3G !so over here in london 3G works fine because we use 900/2100 for 3G. but if u unlock it and use it in mexico with telcel or moviestar u will only get edge . since its a quadband phone it supports GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz.. which telcel and moviestar use. telcel n moviestar use the 850/900 mhz band for 3G which the htc hd 2 does not support.
its kinda confusing but to put in in easier words no 3G support for mexico or america.ONLY edge.internet access will work but its will be really slow video calling will not work at all. video calling only works on 3G . voice calling and text n picture messaging will work too but it will be a little slower at sending pictures.. also the htc passion from what i heard is coming out with verizon in america some were next month. Source(s):…
i work for t-mobile n have the htc hd2

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Method 1:

1. Press Camm & Comm button simultaniously. Keep them pressed.
2. Punch the little hole at the bottom with the stylus for a second or two.
3. Release the stylus (keep the buttons pressed!)
4. A white text-message appears on a black screen, telling you to press the send button
5. press the green button(the one you press to make a call).
6. Now, release the Camm & Comm buttons
7. The message on the screen tells you some more about formatting.
8. Release every button, you are done!

The OS has been reinstalled on your phone (it’s like formatting your hard drive and install a new Windows).

Method 2:

1. Open “Today => Settings => Clear Storage”
2. Enter “1234″ as instructed
3. Hit “YES” in the bottom-bar



Thursday, December 3, 2009

Anyone knows the exact release date fot the htc hd2/dragon/passion in the us?

not just q1
sorry only htc knows the answer to that but its supposed to be out in the middle of december or at least before christmas. it will also be on verizon. hope this helps

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am undecieded what phone should i get a blackberry or an iphone or a htc?

I need a another phone and this one will be for my business use only. I have heard alot about blackberrys and alot about iphones but some people are telling me about HTC and now that leaves me who better than to ask the general public and oh yh I use a pc not a mac
I am NOT a fan of the new "touchscreens" and having to lock and unlock my phone each time etc etc. I went from an LG to a Blackberry Curve 8330 and LOVED it but when my contract was up with Verizon, opted to upgrade again to the Blackberry Tour. It is easy to navigate, professional, loaded with features and has Blackberry's amazing one-touch email along WITH the best quality service provider (Verizon)! Go with the Blackberry. View touchscreens as the new "fad" but the Blackberry as long-term sustainability. Source(s): Personal experience

Friday, November 27, 2009

HTC Hero text messaging? !!!!PLEASE HELP!!!!?

What is the text messaging like?
Is it like the iphone how it hold the whole conversation in one.. so its not separate messages.
And how its the keyboard on the screen when you type?
The Hero's text messaging is not as aesthetically pleasing as the iPhone's text messaging.
But they all are together in 'threaded messages'.
The keyboard is extremely well done.
It is not the standard Android keyboard, but one that HTC developed. It uses multi-touch technology and the best auto-correct feature on the market today.
It is on par, if not better than the iPhone's.
Hope this helps! Source(s):……

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Swype: Teclados do futuro

Um teclado touch, é hoje em dia uma característica quase obrigatória, da maior parte dos PDA’s e telemóveis de ultima geração, mas o método de escrita, ainda não tinha tido grandes inovações desde o T9 (escrita inteligente).

A Swype, introduziu um novo método de escrita, que permite poupar bastante tempo e energia. Apenas deslizando com os dedos sobre as letras da palavra desejada, consegue-se escrever muito mais rápido, do que na escrita normal letra a letra.
De inicio pode parecer frustrante ver alguém conseguir escrever desta forma, mas depois de se perceber como funciona, é algo extremamente fantástico de se ver.


Android, the new Symbian?

 PMUK Blog XperiaTM X10 Sensuous Black

Sony Ericsson’s Xperia X10 has recently been announced with the awesome inclusion of the Android OS, but with multiple brands jumping on the bandwagon is Android treading a familiar and dangerous path?

Android operating systems are infiltrating the world’s handsets. Starting quietly on the innocuous HTC, the monster OS is sneaking its way onto giant brands such as Samsung, Philips, Motorola and soon Sony Ericsson. The consolidation of multiple brands to a single OS has rarely been seen before and is a testament to the usability of the system. It’s also a unified backing against the brilliant iPhone, whose exclusive operating system is showing no signs of migration and threatened to dominate the market before the multi-tasking Android made a case for itself as a serious contender. Placing Android alongside Palm’s WebOS, there are seemingly no other platforms which present a decent alternative to the iPhone’s utility and ease of use.

Frighteningly, the only previous operating system to successfully migrate between multiple brands is the limited and stagnant Symbian. Its original and usable design got stuck in the mud and was incapable of progressing at the same rate as the hardware; a bit like a Bugatti Veyron with a wind up choke or Michael Bolton. With the new Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 comes the responsibility of power, a 1GHz Snapdragon processor lurks inside the recently announced Android phone. Surprisingly the X10 is only going to run Android Donut, placing it firmly in the rear view mirror of the Motorola Droid and its Android Eclair upgrade despite possessing a sizeable chunk more power.

The very fact that the Eclair upgrade exists is proof that Android is still very much on the move, let’s hope that other brands see fit to employ the added goodness that Google, Android’s developer, have granted its OS. However, if major hardware makers like Sony Ericsson are unwilling to adopt upgraded operating systems, there’s a chance that development could slow just as it did with Symbian. Here’s hoping that Google doesn’t drop the ball on this OS and continues to push the boundaries of mobile technology or it might become a dinosaur like Symbian.

Charles Thompson

for more news and reviews get your free subscription of Phonica Magazine UK online here!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gadgets - HTC TouchPro 2

in my previous entry, i did mention that i love gadgets.

and i did write how i will dok diam diam with those gadgets


very unsangkarable

out of the blue

she gived me this



waaah i suka

very very the soooka

still sengeh till today neh



its a present

to let u know that i will always ‘be’ with u

wherever u go

there is ‘part’ of me with u

thats what i think she wants me to ingat.




basically its full power packed with bits and extra’s u would want in one single phone. wifi,gps,3.5G Hsdpa,touch screen,slide keyboard,3G…. and the list goes on and on

software wise powered by windows mobile 6.1 .. cool

(will be upgrading to WM 6.5 soon; once got the time to go to pyramid)




Voice Technology GSM 850/ GSM 900/ GSM 1800/ GSM 1900 / WCDMA 900 / WCDMA 2100
Location-based Services GPS
Downloadable Applications Format Windows Mobile
PDA/Palmtop Phone 3.6
Operating System Windows Mobile
Processor Qualcomm� MSM7200A
Sound Quality FR, AMR-WB, NB

Built-in Speakerphone
Push-to-Talk/Contact direct
Video Conference
Voice Dialing

Phone Book Entries Shared memory
Internal Memory 288MB
Memory Expansion Format MicroSD
Color Display / LCD Screen (Color mode: 65,536)
3D Graphic engine
Main LCD Screen Technology TFT
LCD Screen Resolution (pixels) 800 x 480
LCD Screen Size (inches) 3.6

Free Custom Ringtones


Bluetooth Version 2.1

Bluetooth Profiles supported A2DP, HSP

Web Browser Opera Mobile

Included Games
File Formats 3G2, M4V, WMV, AAC+, eAAC+, 3GP, M4A, MIDI, MP3, WMA

Camera (and resolution) 3.2-megapixel
Camera Options Auto-focus, Crop
Video Formats ASF, M4V, AMR, AAC, WMV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2

Music eAAC+, MP4, AMR, WMA, WAV, AMR-NB, M4A, MP3

StereoA2DP Stereo Bluetooth

Full keyboard QWERTY
Picture messaging
Voice Memo/Sound Recorder
Stand-by Time 500 hours
Talk Time 510 minutes
Battery Lithium
Battery Power 1500 mAh

RF Off/Airplane Mode
Included Accessories Stereo Hands-Free Headset, USB Cable, Carrying Case
Languages Supported English
Special features G-Sensor, Internal antenna, Noise-cancelling dual microphones and speakers

. The Touch Pro2 is probably one of the sexiest Windows Mobile devices we’ve ever seen. Rounded edges, chrome bezel, huge screen, minimalistic buttons — all great things. What’s even more exciting, however, is that the design is completely functional. There’s not one single thing the designers did that gets in the way of real usability and let’s face it, this device is really the high-end corporate user’s dream device, so there shouldn’t be any complaints in this department.

HTC has excelled at making Windows Mobile a more-usable platform. What in the hell would the world look like without it? What’s more interesting with the latest version of TouchFLO is the messaging integration. In addition to having phone calling, you’ve now got access to your entire communication history with all of your contacts. Once you click on a specific contact, you’re able to see all the recent calls, all recent emails, all recent text messages, and even Facebook updates all in a neat and clean interface. It’s rather remarkable.

Integration of these features isn’t just skin deep either — you can even click on a contact’s thumbnail image in an email and start a conference call that way as an example. Really cool stuff that’s incredibly useful.

above specs/comments  is taken from the Net.

most important – since its window based – it kawan with my notebook and wif my HP pda. so i can sync all my contact details, appointments,calendar,files etc to n fro the phone. sangat membantu.

it also got one superb application that really cool. use the camera, snap the peoples name card (which i collect hundreds over the years) then the phone will convert and export the data to the phone contact list. all those nama, alamat,company name, email, address and bla bla need to type type lagi dah. then using the built in google maps and/or garmin – select that person name, click few buttons and viola… the phone will guide u turn by turn till u sampai the persons office…. sangaaat suuuka.

can check my emails… outlook,streamyx and also the gmails. built in mini opera and internet explorer  to baca/write blogs muahahaha. fesbuk oso have…

weather function that grabs weather forecasts from the net and display to the phone. meaning that if tomorrow u ada appointment in PJ, if PJ will hujan, it will mention to u that it might rains in PJ…. cool

musics and videos… excellent screen. 8gb memory card.. can store 2 dvd tu hehehe.

though its 3.2 mega camera.. it captures nice shot. autofocus somemore. amazing macro shots for a phone camera. me give sample seh

macro shot – impressive for a 3.2m handphone lens

though it lack of LED flash

speaker phone is another hit. just put the phone face down, it will turn on the speaker phone. dual speaker dual mic… very clear.

all in all….saaaaangaaaat sooookaaaa !

thank u love.

if u read this… stop smiling !

more snapshot from the net

some tiny flaws

- it might had something to do with celcom though. no service on last saturday evening.. i hope its celcom problem.

- the battery needs to recharge every two days lebih kurang. but the plus point is it boleh tap power from notebook usb port and oso in my car charger. same charger as the HP GPS navigator

- earphone/speaker kena connect via usb port. will problem if need to connect other earphone/speakers


am lovin it.

thank you love.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Get More Out Of Android With A HTC HERO SIM FREE

A simple lightweight design makes the HTC Hero sim free a head turner, and equally impressive in the functionality arena with a changing feature set that is always evolving with new applications, the HTC Hero features a spectacular 5 megapixel digital camera, immediate Twitter and Facebook notifications, full support for Adboe flash and the superb custom HTC Sense UI.

The HTC Hero sim free is the 3rd generation of mobile phones from HTC to feature Google’s Android operating system and they have come along way since the original G1. This is an exciting time for consumers as more and more phone manufactuers take Android on board and are forced to fight over hardware specifications.

Much to Apples dissapointment, the HTC Hero sim free is the very first handset to fully support Abobe Flash – something the iPhone can’t do. This means that you can load any embedded flash programme on a web page which could be anything from streaming video/media to quick and fun games.

The HTC Hero sim free is also the first android device from HTC to possess multitouch technology and a standard headphone socket. The phone is protected by a hard Teflon finish to ensure the mobile phone doesnt pick up any serious bumps or scrapes from day to day use, this is another first for the mobile phone industry.

Google Android and the HTC Hero are a match made in paradise. The innovative features of Android will change how you use your phone as it becomes a large part of everyday life. Like the iPhone, Android has its own marketplace that is bursting with thousands of original applications to provide for every need.

HTC Hero Sim Free Overview

* multi-touch 3.2inch screen
* Based on Google Android
* High resolution 5MegaPixel camera
* Connect via HSPDA, WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G and Quad-band
* Teflon coated to offer additional protection
* 135g / 112×56.2×14.4mm

You can learn more about the HTC Hero Sim Free here with a full video review and price comparisson

Sinner Man,who you gonna run to? Performer?

The Song has been redone by a number of people
The most recent is the Felix da Housecat mix in the commercial for the HTC "you" phone
BUT im lookin for who performs "original" one
the one in Scrubs, or Entourage, or Mad Men
HELP!!!! haha
much appreciated
This is actually a traditional American spiritual song, so the original performer of the song is unknown.
However, the first recorded version was by the Weavers, but I believe the one in Scrubs was done by Nina Simone (find it here:

Hope this helps! Source(s):

The Samsung Moment rocks!!!!

When I finally decided that I was switching to Android, I was trying to decide between getting the Samsung Moment and The HTC Hero.

I spent quite a few days playing with one of my co-worker’s Hero for a few days and finally after a while I was convinced that this was the phone I wanted, but then I went to a Sprint store that day and held the Samsung Moment and the HTC Hero side by side and compared most features, and finally I liked the Moment a lot better than the Hero so I ended up buying it. But guess what?? I’m loving it!!!! 

The screen is brighter on the Samsung Moment and the colors look more vivid compared to the HTC Hero, my wife immediately noticed it without me even opening my mouth, THE AMOLED SCREEN IS BETTER, is a fact of nature no HTC fan boy can deny (I know they will though).

Senese UI is better than vanilla Android no doubt about it but for me it reminded me a lot of TouchFLO 3D and being a frustrated Windows Mobile user that came running to Android I really don’t want that painful memory on my phone. (I do realize they are separated things but hey!! I got issues)

Keyboard is important for me, the dust issue on the Hero’s “gap” between the screen and the bottom panel is also a factor and finally there’s a bit of barley noticeable speed difference but I’m sure it will disappear once you have installed apps and loaded contacts etc.

Two places where the Moment is faster: Boot up time and camera app the rest is barley unnoticeable. but I have to admit Sense UI does feel a little bloated, two separated Hero owners have complimeneted the speed of my phone without me saying anything!!!

After making my evaluation I made my purchasing decision and spent all night playing with the phone and I’m very, very satisfied. Is not for everyone and if you’re more of an iPhone kind of guy I guess the HTC Hero is a better choice for you.

I also expect vanilla Android phones (or Google Experience I should say) like the Samsung Moment and the Motorola Droid to get updates faster like the G1 that is already rocking Android 1.6.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11.17.09 - A Tuesday


jive [jahyv] n. 1. swing music or early jazz 2. the jargon associated with swing music and early jazz 3. Slang. deceptive, exaggerated, or meaningless talk: Don’t give me any of that jive! ∞ v. 4. to play jive 5. to dance to jive; jitterbug 6. Slang. to engage in kidding, teasing, or exaggeration 7. Slang. to tease; fool; kid: Stop jiving me! ∞ adj. 8. Slang. insincere, pretentious, or deceptive


Frank Calder (1877), Soichiro Honda (1906), Gordon Lightfoot (1938), Martin Scorsese (1942), Lauren Hutton (1943), Danny DeVito (1944), Lorne Michaels (1944), Gene Clark (1944), Stephen Root (1951), Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (1958), Jeff Buckley (1966), Sophie Marceau (1966), Daisy Fuentes (1966), Kimya Dawson (1972)


Short and sweet today. I’m really quite annoyed with the all the goddamn Christmas ads, sales, etc. that are all ready all over the place.

Despite my misanthropic tendencies, I’m really kind of a softie in some ways. I like the holidays. I do.

But this time of year has been kind of tainted, for me, by all the commercialism. Even those of you out there who possess the unending optimism I enjoy frowning upon know this to be true.

For lack of a better, more definitive sentiment: BAH! HUMBUG!


There are about five things to write songs about: I’m leaving you. You’re leaving me. I want you. You don’t want me. I believe in something. Five subjects, and twelve notes. For all that, we musicians do pretty well. → Elvis Costello


I know. I’m beating this HTC commercial thing into the ground. I just like it. Really like it. More than I like most people. For those of you wondering what song is actually playing, it’s a remix of “Sinnerman” by Nina Simone. One of the comments on YouTube simply reads, “Futureproof.” Sums it up.


→ Oprah Winfrey and Sarah Palin were on the same stage and no one thought to do the proper thing and plant explosives. Christ, people, do I have to think of everything?

→ In what’s becoming sadly commonplace, another celebrity has died young. Ken Ober, the host of the late-80s MTV game show “Remote Control,” passed away yesterday at the age of 52. As of yet, no one’s sure how.

→ All right, on a personal note, here’s a picture of my favorite piece of art – “Woman with a Water Jug” by Johannes Vermeer. It’s only 18 in. by 16 in. The detail is amazing. Best part is that the painting currently resides in New York City at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Comparison between the two Goliaths “HTC Touch 2 and HTC Touch HD”

HTC is a big name which also leaves its footprints in the mobile phone industry with its highly capable mobile phones. HTC Touch 2 and HTC Touch HD are the brothers which are the parts of HTC company. Sometimes while selecting the mobile phones, people might get confused so the comparison will surely help you to pick out the best.

Head to Head Competition:

HTC Touch 2

  1. Both of these phones are having vital statistics and good looks with crystal clear touch screen. The 2G and 3G technologies are possessing on these devices plus the Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional and Qualcomm MSM MHz processor come on the top, from all of their major functionalities.
  2.  3.5 mm audio jack and A GPS navigation features are presented in the devices as well. In addition, the multimedia functionalities of the devices are quite good. The HTC Touch HD owns 5 mega pixels camera with many other camera features whereas another one possesses a bit lower 3.2 mega pixels camera.
  3. Second VGA CMOS camera is provided by the HTC Touch HD for 3G video calling which is missing in its contender. Furthermore, the HTC Touch HD carries fantastic music player, FM radio with RDS, Microphone, speaker phone, Polyphonic and MIDI ring tones. And its competitor renders music player, polyphonic, WAV and MP3 ring tones.
  4. Both competitors are containing TFT type touch screen which displays 65k colors. The HTC Touch HD possesses 3.8 inches touch screen with many other screen features like; touchFLO 3D finger swipe navigation, accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate, touch-sensitive navigation controls, proximity sensor for auto turn-off and handwriting recognition.
  5. The casing measurements of the devices are 115 x 62.8 x 12 mm and weighs 146 grams while the 2.8 inches screen owns by HTC Touch 2 plus the touchFLO finger swipe navigation and touch-sensitive zoom bar are also located on these devices. It measures 104 x 55 x 12.9 mm and weight is of 110 grams.

In terms of connectivity features, GPRS, EDGE, 3G HSDPA, WLAN Wi-Fi, wireless Bluetooth and cable mini USB connections are possessed in both of the brothers.

HTC Touch HD

Hence, the HSCSD feature is also presented in HTC Touch 2. Videos, images, wallpapers, files and other data can be stored easily because the HTC Touch2 is tamped with 256 MB RAM, 512 MB ROM memory. On the other hand, its contender takes 288 MB RAM, 512 MB ROM memory. Nevertheless, the expandable MicroSD memory card slot option is also provided by the devices.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Unlimited data question about verizon?

im on a family plan and my christmas my dad is buying me the HTC Eris. obv it has to have data but im not sure if its 30 or 40 a month for one line with unlimited data? please correct me.
29.99 for unlimited personal email and web. You would only need the 45.00 data plan if you need to have work emails pushed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Details on the Motorola Droid & Other DROID Devices.

Motorola Droid

Well if you don’t already know, the Motorola Droid is kinda a big deal for Verizon, Google, and Motorola. Reviews around the tech industry are positive about the Android-powered device (see links below). To sum up the past several weeks of information, DROID is a series of phones on Verizon that will be running Google’s Android OS. HTC will be releasing Droid Eris on Verizon’s Network also. But the Motorola Droid is Verizon’s flagship handset for the DROID lineup right now.

Also there is confirmation of a GSM-version of the Motorola Droid to be released in Europe. Overseas the device is known as the Motorola Milestone. As of right now, the Euro-version does have multi-touch support (meaning you can do finger gestures like pinch zooming a la Apple iPhone), which the US version has not confirmed or demoed – score one for the Europeans. However, U.S. GSM users at AT&T and T-Mobile should not expect the Motorola Droid/Milestone to come out in GSM form stateside, but nothing is stopping them from nabbing a Euro-version.

The Motorola Droid will be released in Verizon stores nationwide on Friday, November 6th at a price of $200 on contract of course. Several of the Verizon Wireless stores nationwide will be opening at 7am or 8am local time to launch their flagship device. Also the cool dock cost $30. With the marketing blitz and tremendous specs and rave reviews, expect the Motorola Droid to be a success.

Gizmodo’s Android 2.0 Review (this is the OS in the Motorola Droid)

Gizmodo’s Motorola Droid Review

Gizmodo’s Google Navigator Review (this is included in the Motorola Droid)

Engadget’s “Panel of Thoughts” on the Droid

Engadget’s Motorola Droid Review

CNET’s Motorola Droid Review

PCWorld’s Motorola Droid Review

My Thoughts on Motorola Droid

Google Navigator

Droid + Dock

So Happy Together...

Droid Startup

Droid/Milestone EURO-version Hands On (with Multi-Touch)

Credits to &!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


HTC PURE Windows Phone (AT&T)



HTC Tilt 2 Windows Phone (AT&T)



HTC Touch Pro2 Windows Phone, Mocha (T-Mobile)



HTC FUZE Refurbished Phone, Black (AT&T)



HTC Touch XV6900 Phone, White (Verizon Wireless)



HTC Touch Diamond Phone, Black (Sprint)



HTC Touch PRO Phone, Black (Sprint)



T-Mobile Shadow Phone, Sage (T-Mobile)



HTC FUZE Phone, Black (AT&T)



HTC Ozone XV6175 Windows Phone, Black (Verizon Wireless)



HTC Snap S511 Phone, Black (Sprint)



HTC Touch Pro XV6850 Phone, Black (Verizon Wireless)



T-Mobile Shadow Phone, Copper (T-Mobile)



HTC Mogul PPC-6800 Phone (Sprint)



AT&T Tilt Phone, Silver (AT&T)



Verizon XV-6700 Phone (Verizon Wireless)



HTC Touch Phone (Sprint)



HTC Imagio XV6975 Windows Phone (Verizon Wireless)

Friday, October 30, 2009

What new phone should I get?

I'm looking for a new phone, I want it to have decent music playing/storage capabilities and also a touchscreen. I know you are all screaming iPhone or myTouch or whatever, but I really don't want to pay for a data plan every month which I will barely use. My priorities are music playing/storage, a very nice operating system (not buggy, responsive, no lag), touchscreen; after all that video camera, messaging, etc are less important features. I've had a RAZR and a nano for like four years and I'm really sick of them. I'm taking a good operating system and responsive interface seriously because my RAZR has recently been total crap. Right now I'm looking at T-mobile's Samsung Highlight for $200, which I don't need a data plan to use (well it is $50 cheaper after rebate with a data plan, but that's gone in 2 months anyway). Unfortunately it doesn't have the android OS like the HTC phones, but those require data plans. I also don't know how much memory I can add to it. So, any recommendations you have for a phone, from whatever provider, would be appreciated.
i know you probably don't want to hear it but the IPHONE is the best phone in the world to me and trust me i had a lot of phones.i had an lg vu cu920 which isn't a bad phone as far as Storage and a music player.
also about the iphone you can buy a nice used 1 for 200.00 and get it unlocked were you can use any sim card in it and not worry about buying a data plan

Please help! Which phone would you choose?

I cant choose between the HTC My touch 3g Or Htc Hero by sprint. What would you choose?

Here the Htc my touch 3g

And the HTC Hero

Pick one please..
first one for sure.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

HTC Droid Eris Will Be The Cheaper Step-Brother of the Motorola Droid

Lets face it. The media has been eating up the Motorola Droid.  Although, the next phone in Verizon’s Droid line-up will be the HTC Droid Eris:

This phone looks pretty good, I will say that. One of the few things we know about this phone is that it will be $99, which is $100 less than its older brother, the Motorola Droid.

We do know, however, that the HTC Eris will feature Wi-Fi and 5MP camera, which is comparable to the Droid.  I just hope that the lower price will give this phone a boost because the Motorola Droid looks badass

HTC HD2 Hands On

I am not the first to post my thoughts and I am certainly wont be the last.

I have however been fortunate enough to have had for a short period a HTC HD2 in my hands and I thought I would let you know what I think about the unit.

Now this is by no means a full review, more a collection of thoughts.

First and foremost I personally thought the device would be huge and feel clunky in hand.  With the exception of a couple, this is the biggest screen on a smartphone to date. I was completely wrong. 

I would be lying if I said it was small, but it does not feel anywhere near as big in the hand as I thought it would.  I do not have the largest of hands, but it felt comfortable and i soon became used to the overall profile of the unit.

If you do have big hands and have hated the smaller smartphones because of this, the HD2 might just be the first phone that you can truly use with ease.

The screen goes to the edge of the unit, there is no clunky or chunky edges, everything feels smooth.  The case of the unit is robust and feels good to the touch.

There are buttons at the bottom of the screen, physical ones.  Now personally I feel that this is the downside to the device, they feel a little bit of an after thought and cheap.  I would have expected or liked more of a touch sensitive affair.  Having said that nothing beats the physical, tactile feedback of a button or key.  It does detract from the overall style of the device.

I wont talk about call features and quality, other than say it was more than up to scratch and is on par with any other HTC product.

The camera is good and perfectly acceptable to most for a camera shot.  I dint get the opportunity to test the dual flash on the HTC HD2, but it has to improve the image, especially in low light and I am sure many HTC fans will be pleased to see this addition.

Windows Mobile 6.5 is of course installed, not a great deal to say about this. 

There is of course HTC Sense installed to improve the overall experience.  It does not disappoint. I won’t talk about this either as there are more than enough reviews and information on this online.

One thing I did find, and this may be a personal thing is that this is the first device that I can truly use a ‘fat finger’ on.  By this I mean that most devices I have used previously required a mix of the very tip of the finger/nail to work and in places allow you to use your true finger tip ‘fat finger’.  The HD2 however is he first device I have used, other than the iPhone where the fat finger/full finger tip actually works better than using the very tip/nail of a finger.

It goes almost without saying that the device was super fast.  Everything was snappy and responded much quicker than normal.  The device I was using was a pre-production model, which did have the odd software bug but still I was impressed.

Orientation switching from landscape to portrait was very fast.  I actually preferred writing emails and text messages in landscape mode.  You could not view as much actual text on screen, but you gain from a larger keyboard, which is a big plus when typing  message, especially in a rush.

My final thought is around the new microUSB connection that HTC have adopted.  It is a little frustrating as a HTC owner, I will now need to purchase new cables etc but in the long run it should be better as all new devices are switching over to the connection due to a European imitative to cut down the production of chargers and accessories.

You have probably already made a decision as to whether or not the HD2 is or you.

Without any influence from my affiliation with HTC, I have to say that this device has surprised me.  I looked upon it quite cynically as a fan of the Snap and those devices with a physical QWERTY keyboard, I was expecting to be a bit more disappointed.  This could be the device that gets me back into touch screen smartphones.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HTC Magic receve Sense UI

Proprietários HTC Magic foram perguntando se eles receberão uma parte da ação Sense UI. Os de Taiwan só tenho a resposta – clique em download, siga as instruções e divirta-se. Esta atualização é atualmente para a Chunghwa Telecom só, se ele estará disponível para o resto do mundo ainda é incerta (mas gostaríamos que ele vai).

Os proprietários de telemóveis de marca Magic poderia estar fora de sorte embora – ela depende da transportadora para fazer esta atualização disponível para seus usuários. ”Com o Google” telefones também podem estar fora do quadro. Restrição de licenciamento e legalese outro mal entrar no caminho da atualização, caso contrário, o hardware deve ser capaz de lidar com ela.

Dizemos “deveria” porque os relatórios indicam que o usuárioHTC versão Magic com 192MB de RAM tem alguns problemas com ele. A um com 288MB mas certamente é capaz de ficar mais um passo para as capacidades do herói.

Aqui está uma coisa interessante que tropeçou – HTC Magic no Brasil vem com interface Sense fora da caixa. Acontece que algumas pessoas são mais iguais do que outros, afinal.

Enquanto estamos no assunto da HTC e Android, a empresa de Taiwan confirmou que eles estão trabalhando em um telefone 2,0 Android, do Google, mesmo que não tenham anunciado ainda. Há a questão de atualização novamente – vai ser actualizável telefones existentes para a versão 2.0 e se sim, quais? O G1 é uma causa perdida, mas o Liquid Acer e Samsung I5700 Galaxy Spica ter CPUs musculoso, assim que parecem prováveis candidatos (apesar de Spica está com pouca memória RAM, que pode ser um problema).

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Real-time data

So, there I was reading the latest awesome issue of Wired (the UK version) about what the next decade holds for cities around the world now that the internets allow users to search and view data in real time.

They’re an interesting and thought-provoking few articles. Apparently we’re already witnessing the birth of the revolution – from a bloke who can find where his nearest ice cream van is using Twitter, to how real-time mobile phone data is able to predict traffic patterns. In short real-time data networks are changing our lives, even if we don’t even know it.

Apparently systems are being worked on right now that can allow a user – from their mobile phone – calculate not only the fastest way from one place to another using real-time public transport information and traffic density on surface streets, but even pollution levels so that they can find the healthiest route. Handy for asthma sufferers. Maybe it’ll lead to trains and buses running not to set schedules, but just running regularly.

The explosion of data is absolutely epic, and it’s only going to grow bigger and bigger. A big thing at the moment is ‘augmented reality’, which is a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or augmented by) virtual computer-generated imagery. Imagine using your phone’s camera to point at something, say Trafalgar Square, and your phone will display texts and links and what not over the live image on your screen. Augmented reality is going to really change the game.

So we live in interesting times. The game is changing beyond belief, and it’s all thanks to real-time data and our mobile phones. Who’d have guessed a decade ago that mobile phones would be so crucial to the way we live our lives? Ten years ago my mobile phone could play Snake and handle calls and text messages. Now it’s an extension of my self. As the HTC advert says, my phone is the first thing I check in the morning, the last thing I look at before going to sleep, and it’s something I never go anywhere without. It is my connection to the world via Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, the world wide web, and it tells me exactly where I am in the world at any given moment. It has a torch on it, and it’s a spirit level, and a seismometer. It plays music, it has my entire photo collection on it, and it tells me what the weather is going to be. It sends my emails to me, I can blog with it, play football games on it, tell me if my train is going to be late, use it as a TV guide, convert currency, let me pretend I’m Spiderman, and upload photos to Flickr on it.

The weird thing? In 18 months all of the above that my iPhone can do will seem so backward. In 18 months we’ll be living in a different world.

How did we ever cope without mobile phones? How did we ever cope without the internet? In just ten years (maybe even less) we’ve become a society so deeply connected that I honestly don’t know if we could cope if we had it all taken away from us.

Still, my home town is pretty crappy with or without all of the above. Most people here probably haven’t even heard of Twitter.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flash Mob at Raffles Place (CBD)

Some 200 people took passers-by at Raffles Place by surprise when they started dancing?! It’s not common to see street performance here, let alone Flash Mob. But this is real, see this “Flash Mob” on YouTube.

It’s latest marketing stunt from HTC. The staged “You Revolution Dance” is to send out new marketing message that HTC’s product design philosophy is centered around YOU (human, end-user) rather than packing more technologies or features into their products. See here for interview with HTC and marketing team.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Für alle, die sich mit dem iPhone nicht anfreunden wollen, denen Windows Mobile ein Graus ist, und die nichts dagegen haben, sich von Google durchleuchten zu lassen, ist Android wahrscheinlich eine bedenkswerte Alternative, und an – zumindest angekündigten Handys für das Google-OS besteht tatsächlich auch kein Mangel.

Da sind wir dann den Kollegen von TechCrunch überaus dankbar, die eine Liste der nach derzeitigem Stand absehbar käuflichen Modelle (samt Specs) erstellt haben.

Mit insgesamt sieben Geräten liegt HTC deutlich vorne, aber immerhin dicht gefolgt von Samsung (fünf) und Motorola (vier), wobei nicht nur rein optisch das auch von George Lucas geschätzte Motorola Droid den besten Eindruck macht.

Aber auch von der Spitzengruppe abgesehen macht die Auflistung klar, dass der Android-Markt spannend wird: Die alten Platzhirsche wie SE, Samsung und LG wollen natürlich dabei sein (wenn auch erstmal vorsichtig), aber mit Acer, Archos und Dell sind auch ein paar fürs Smartphone-Geschäft neue Namen dabei, und sogar Klon-Billiganbieter wie Huawei scheinen sich was zu versprechen. Da sind wir mal aufs Weihnachtsgeschäft gespannt … [dieter]

[via TechCrunch]

Thursday, October 15, 2009

HTC touch diamond....?

When i go to "Music" which is the music player, the songs doesnt play, its somehow on repeat and it continuously repeats the first 2 second on the song, can anyone please help i cant listen to music
how can i fix this?
ok, this may be a few things, worst is you may need to reformat your storage card. but starting with the most basic, go to the music tab in the tf3d and click the menu soft key on the lowe right, click repeat and check if repeat is turned on or if shuffle is turned on. Plus are you on tthe diamond2 or the original?
I have the TP2 and the d2 and the original TP and these kind of issues dont exist for me on the TP2 and D2, so more messing with the music tab or getting errors and having to reformat a possibly corrupted storage card, and no more album issues either, tf3d vers 2.1 is much better, and tp2 and d2 seem somewhat improved and more responsive, just thought you would like to know that.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I will really be looking forward to the US release of the HTC HD2. This thing is spectacular. It’s by far the sweetest design I’ve seen. I love the simplicity. And the functionality. I personally have never been a big fan of the iPhone. SImply because of the lack of a physical keyboard. I’ve turned away from most phones that lacked a physical keyboard. Really because they tend to be cramped and they lag. This thing however, has a large 4.3in WVGA touch display. That’s pretty impressive. With a screen this size, I think an on screen keyboard might be a little more comfortable.

Taking screen size into consideration, this isn’t a small phone. It is very slim however. It is very elegantly designed. All black with a glossy front, a row of five buttons at the bottom. On the back, and amazing 5 mega pixel camera with dual flash. Rubber grips at top and bottom and a brushed metal battery cover in between.

Windows 6.5 with HTC Sense UI comes standard on this phone. As well as 3G, stereo Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and a 3.5mm audio jack.

At the moment the HTC HD2 will only be available in Europe. But I can’t wait to see it in the US.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Can anyone help me do this with my htc mogul?

i have an HTC mogul and i want to basically make it into the iphone.
i don't wanna have to pay for the app i wanna do it for free.. im not to smart with this stuff at all, i was trying to do it and i could figure it out at all!! haha.. so if anyone knows of the easiest step by step way to make my mogul like the iphone but for free i would really appreciate it :) thanks..

i want the slide lock, the iphone music player, the contact thing haha, the home screen with all the icons and stuff just like everything that you can do i wanna do it haha...
Adin, I've had my HTC MOGUL for 3 days and I can barely hear out of the earpeice..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Samsung omnia 2, htc hd 2 or acer neo touch?

its that time again when i get to buy a new phone - yay! problem is, there's so much to choose from! i've already discounted the 3GS as everybody has it, and i'm down to those three, so which do you guys think is best?
I been searching for a new phone since June and let me tell you its all about the Samsung Omnia 2. Since the phone was released in Asia back in summer, Verizon wanted to keep this until we get near to the Holidays. First, Samsung bring us the sophisticated colors pixels of all phones. The colors are Truly brilliant. And with its 3.7 AMOLED Display (which is better than an LCD Display) ur gonna be watching a lot videos! It includes mobile office, wifi, 5MP Camera, Easy Web Browsing, up 400 hours of Battery life, 48 GB of Memory (if desired) and Much more. This is a Ultimate Smart Phone. Everyone in Verizon will want to get it. I think it might come out Early November or Late October. Check out this Website to get familiar with the Omnia 2:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Windows Mobile 6.5 Upgrades for HTC


HTC have confirmed that in the coming weeks, Windows Mobile 6.5 will be made available for the HTC Touch Pro2 and Diamond2.

Although no exact dates have been confirmed, we will let you know the moment they are made available.

If however you are very keen and want to make sure you get the update as possible, we advise heading over to and registering online so that you get notified of the update and can install it without delay.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cellphone excitement - wat next? Android/WebOS?

We have seen this market growing by leaps and bounds. iPhone has set such a trend that is still very much a bechmark for top companies to breach. HTC, Blackberry, Palm, Nokia, Sony, Samsung are trying really hard to catch up.

Recently release HTC Hero, Palm Pre and Blackberry Bold/Storm try their level best to steal some of the iPhone Customers, and is bound to get bigger with the launch of Nokia N 900.

We will put here all the exciting features and how is iPhone still managing to be on the top.


Das Wetter ist durchwachsen, gestern wollte ich wegfahren, aber es hat so geregnet, dass ich mich dagegen entschieden habe, später kam dann blöderweise die Sonne raus. Das Essen ist ok, aber eher halb Halbpension, reichhaltiges Frühstück kannste von träumen. Unterkunft ist okay, wird aber auch keine fünf Sterne bekommen, Dienstag war sogar der Handwerker da. Dafür habe ich bei dem Wetter viel gelesen. Auf dem Bild ist übrigens das HTC (Hanseatic Trade Center) zu sehen.

Liebe Grüße

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I wanna read my cellphone text messages on the computer, how can I do?

Sometimes it is quite inconvenient to read the messages on the cellphone.So I wanna do it with the help of pc.How can I do then?And my mobile phone is HTC Diamond2.
Well,you can a use mobile phone SMS backup application. I have got one, called GodswMobile SMS Transfer. It can transfer SMS into txt file and print it on your pc.
Get it and just have a try:
Good luck! Source(s): google

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HTC Dream ya es Android 1.5

Aunque probablemente algunos de vosotros esperabais una actualización para poder ejecutar HTC Sense en el terminal HTC Dream (me temo que esperaréis eternamente porque no se va a publicar oficialmente), al menos HTC ha hecho pública una actualización para este dispositivo, HTC Dream (que comercializa Movistar en exclusiva) y que permite pasar de Android 1.1 (versión oficial de estos dispositivos), a la nueva edición Android 1.5.

El caso es que esta actualización para la memoria ROM del dispositivo permitirá sincronizar datos con los servicios en la nube de Google (contactos de Gmail, calendario o Google Talk). Paralelamente, en lo que se refiere estrictamente a HTC, añade lector de PDF y de documentos Office (mediante Office Viewer), así como la posibilidad de sincronizar una cuenta de correo en un servidor Microsoft Exchange.

Otra de las ventajas es que, una vez instalada la actualización, ya será posible escribir mensajes de texto SMS con vocales acentuadas (cool, ¿eh?), pero sin que esto reduzca notablemente el string de capacidad total del mensaje (sin que reduzca el número de caracteres total).

¿Interesados?, pues para acceder a la actualización debéis dirigiros al enlace oficial habilitado por HTC. Y recordad: la actualización borrará los datos almacenados en el sistema, así que es muy recomendable hacer una copia de seguridad antes de aplicarla.

Monday, September 28, 2009

HTC Hero: Celcom Promo

It’s finally announced. Celcom revealed it’s HTC Hero promo today. Priced at RM1,799 on-top of a monthly commitment of RM149 which includes RM50 for calls and RM99 for Data Unlimited. It will come with a 16Gb MicroSD Card and Jabra Bluetooth headset as well. Available from today at all Celcom BlueCube outlets – nationwide. Is it a good deal? Depends. If you’re planning on using Celcom – you’ll be paying RM149 a month anyway. Otherwise, Maxis will cost you RM108 which consists of RM50 for calls and RM58 for 500Mb of data. If you’re a light user like me – Maxis will do just fine. But if you’re heavy on tethering – then yes, it’s a damn good deal. After all, the HTC Hero is still currently going for RM2,399 (Add RM100 for a 16Gb Card) in retail shops.

HTC Leo put through its paces, faster than a speeding feline

The guys at WMPoweruser have put the HTC Leo through some benchmark tests and set every geek, nerd and the like sweating profusely.  Compared to the original Touch HD, the Leo shames its predecessor in literally every way, shape or form. Improvements of 63% here, 400% there and a mind-blowing 1822% in a subcategory or image rendering. I guess having a 1GHz Snapdragon processor doesn’t hurt. Notably, the benchmark software used referred to the Leo as the HTC HD2. Quite rightfully deserving to be the successor to the Touch HD, the Leo is. Check out the full benchmarking results at the link below.

Benchmark results

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Will the E72 be a alright phone for a teenager?

Hey i'm looking for the new phone and cant decide between the htc touch hd and the upcoming E72 both seem perfect due to the E72's querty keyboard and 3.5mm headphone jack...But what do you guys think??
For a teenager? Your better off getting a iPhone, Google Android Phone, or wait for the sweet N900 from Nokia. Those phones are more multimedia. I don't know if you'll need the business functions of a E72, but you might want a good media player, web browser and a tone of extra software which the mentioned phones have. Don't get me wrong, the E72 is gonna be a great phone, but I don't think it has the functions a teenager would want/need. I don't know much about the htc touch hd, but it sure is BIG....
I've had a E series Phone from Nokia, which was great but switched to the iPhone, due to better sync options with my mac. No I'm considering getting the N900....
Hope I could help a little, good luck with your choice

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What software can help transfer text messages in HTC Firestone faster?

Oh,the SMS transfer software drives me crazy.It’s hard to use and its speed is too slow.And I am using HTC Firestone.Its system is Windows Mobile 6.5 professional.
Maybe this application can help you, GodswMobile SMS Transfer.Easy to use and with fast speed.Quite good,actually.
You can just have a try.
Hope it helps! Source(s): google

Friday, September 25, 2009

How to unlock a phone?

at&t HTC fuze sim unlock code - for free? any idea where to find it? thanks
Ya you can Unlock the HTC FUZE Mobile from AT&T But i don't know the unlocking code free of cost..I know the site… this site pprovides the Unlocking code at low cost..It is secure to unlock the Valuable HTC Fuze rather than using the free Unlocking code..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to backup SMS messages between HTC Mega and pc?

I recently bought a new mobile phone, it’s HTC Mega, can anybody tell me how to backup SMS messages between HTC Mega and pc?
I am now using a third party application called GodswMobile SMS Transfer, it’s good and its speed is quite fast.
Take and have a try at it:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Android Magic-o da HTC chega ao Brasil

HTC Magic - Primeiro aparelho com Android a aparecer oficialmente no Brasil

Quinta-feira passada (17/09/2009) foi lançado no Brasil o HTC Magic, primeiro smartphone com Android a aparecer oficialmente por aqui. (Auto-intitulada) Líder internacional na plataforma do Google, a empresa chegou firme para demarcar território com o aparelho. Além do Android, temos mais algumas ótimas novidades, como a presença do HTC Sense e a fantástica tela do aparelho. E algumas novidades não tão boas, como a inexistência de um acordo com o Google sobre apps para o aparelho. Mas vejamos sua mágica.

O HTC Magic é da nova geração de aparelhos da HTC, que tenta acompanhar a nova geração de usuários de smartphones. Hoje muito mais do que nunca aparelhos dessa categoria tem muito mais de uma função na vida das pessoas. Além disso, a tendência corrente é que os aparelhos fiquem conectados (praticamente) o dia todo, para os mais diversos usos. O Magic é uma ótima maneira encontrada pela HTC de encarar esses novos desafios. (E eu emprestei esse parágrafo de parte do discurso do apresentador do produto =P).

A grande mágica trazida pela gigante Taiwanesa nesse dispositivo foi o HTC Sense (que merece um post só para ele), conceito de experiência de usuário que será empregado pela empresa em seus dispositivos com Android. A idéia central do conceito é permitir que o usuário seja capaz de criar um aparelho único, que seja completamente aderente às suas necessidades. Projeto ambicioso. Mas não é que a HTC conseguiu!?

Tão fantástico é o Sense que até hoje não se viu (eu não vi, você viu?) nada parecido quando o assunto é personalização em dispositivos móveis. É possível por exemplo criar diversos perfis para um mesmo usuário. Isso parece simples (e realmente é) mas é uma idéia com muito potencial. Imagine ter configurações diferentes do seu aparelho para trabalho, idas a shows, aulas e o que mais for necessário. O que você precisa naquele momento da sua vida é o que o aparelho te oferece. E para cada perfil, você tem várias telas para colocar seus aplicativos mais usados, widgets e tal.

E isso é uma novidade exclusiva, ao menos por enquanto, do público brasileiro. Ao que tudo indica, lá fora, o Magic não têm (tinha?) o Sense. Ponto para eles.

Software com certeza é o forte desse aparelho. Clientes para Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Twitter, You Tube, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Talk, Google Calendar, … ufa. E eu nem terminei a lista. E ainda melhor: tudo isso integrado! Com certeza o sonho de muita gente realizado. Mas eles levaram isso a sério mesmo: o dispositivo oferecerá acesso até ao Street View do Google Maps.

Essa você já deve ter ficado com a pulga atrás da orelha. Se tem Street View, deve ter flash. Tem mesmo. Eu não diria que é o melhor suporte de flash do universo, mas pelo menos o suporte existe, o que para esse tipo de dispositivo já é bastante coisa.

O discador do aparelho também promete fazer mágica. Chamado espertamente de Smart Dialer, ele promete encontrar com apenas algumas teclas o contato que você procura. A idéia é deixar que o aparelho encontre o contado para você, sem muito esforço. Só experimentando para ver.

Outros dois softwares muito interessante são o Footprint e o Barcode Scanner. O primeiro é uma aplicação muito útil para gerenciar fotos com geotagging e comentários. Tire fotos, guarde a posição onde tirou, comente-a. Volte no mesmo lugar anos depois e a aplicação de mostra os momentos ali registrados. Muito simples, muito útil. A segunda, um scanner de códigos de barra que utiliza serviços do Google para encontrar informações sobre o produto associado ao código de barras. Outra aplicação que todo mundo quer, mas não sabia quando teria acesso.

Smart Dialer, Street View e Barcode Scanner - E isso é só uma parte do que o HTC Magic tem a oferecer

No hardware, tenho um ponto forte a ressatar, antes de mais nada. É mais uma das novidade que realmente deixa o queixo no chão. A tela do aparelho é capacitiva e multitouch! (Apple que se cuide.) Além disso, tem resolução de 320 x 480 pixels (HVGA) em 3.2 polegadas com 64k cores. Veja parte das especificações do aparelho:

Processador Qualcomm® MSM7200A™, 528 MHz Memória ROM: 512 MB
RAM: 288 MB Display LCD TFT de 3.2 polegadas, com 65.536 cores, resolução HVGA 320 x 480 pixels, tela capacitiva sensível ao toque. Câmera Câmera colorida de 3.2 MP com foco automático. Teclado Teclado virtual Navegação Track ball
Botões de atalho (home, menu, back, search, verdinho e vermelinho) Bateria Bateria recarregável de íond de Lítio
Capacidade: 1340 mAh Dimensões 113mm C x 55,56mm L x 13,65mm E Peso 116g com a bateria Redes HSPA/WCDMA: 850/2100 MHz
Velocidades de até 2 Mbps de up-linke 7,2 Mbps de down-link
Quad-Band GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz Conectividade Bluetooth® 2.0
Wi-Fi®: IEEE 802.11 b/g
Mini USB 2.0 de 11 pinos e conector de áudio GPS Antena GPS integrada Expansão microSD™ (compatível com SD 2.0)

O resto do hardware não tem nada de muito extraordinário. Processador Qualcomm MSM7200A de 528 MHz, igual ao de outros modelos da marca, como Hero, Touch Pro 2 e Touch Diamond 2 e de outros aparelhos como Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 e X2 e o Samsung GT-i7500 Galaxy. A quantidade de RAM é um pouco superior ao que estamos acostumados a ver nos smaprtphones atualmente: 288 MB nele contra 256 MB na média. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, acelerômetro e GPS, o que atualmente não é mais que obrigação num aparelho da cateoria. E o armazenamento interno é bem pequeno, apenas 512 MB, o que praticamente exige uma expansão por meio da entrada MicroSD disponível. E para finalizar, a informação da duração da bateria: “depende do uso” (!?).

Botoẽs do HTC Magic: home, menu, back, search, verdinho e vermelinho, além do track ball

Ao contrário de diversos aparelhos da nova geração que andam vindo com pouquíssimos botões (ou nenhum no caso do N900), o Magic vem com vários: home, menu, back e search, os clássicos verdinho e vermelinho, além de contar com uma track ball. Home e menu não são muito diferentes do esperado. O back oferece navegação para trás, tela a tela, também como esperado. E o search abre as buscas contextualizadas do aparelho, que prometem ser revolucionárias (mas veremos).

Outras informações são um grande mistério. Preço sugerido: vai depender das operadoras (Oh!). Operadoras que vão oferecer o dispositivo: ninguém sabe. (Ou seja, o preço vai ser descidido por ninguém sabe quem.) Disponibilidade no varejo (aka venda de desbloqueados) também é uma ingócnita. Acordo com o Google para vender apps por aqui: inexistente e ninguém sabe se vai sair em algum momento ou quando sairá caso saia. Praticamente todas as questões comerciais estão em aberto. Você está perdido? Nós também.

Com ingredientes requintados como os usados no HTC Magic, fica difícil errar a receita. Hardware bastante razoável munido de uma fantástica tela capacitiva multitouch. Conceito HTC Sense com grande poder atrás de sua simplicidade. Android como plataforma, rica e flexível. Uma mistura que tem tudo para dar muito certo. Pelo menos se o escuro em que estamos com relação as questões comerciais não atrapalharem.

Sony Ericsson Xperia X2

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Review: T-Mobile Dash by HTC

I purchased my T-Mobile Dash in August of 2007 from an official T-Mobile store.  They were able to price-match an online offer at, and so I literally paid one penny for it, with the two-year contract of course.  This phone was a great value in terms of the features and durability you get, but really dropped the ball in terms of the life span of the OS.

The Dash is a feature-rich phone, with such high-end features as WiFi, Windows Mobile 6.0 (on later versions), HTC’s JOGGR volume control (a thumb pad that raises and lowers the volume by touch alone), mp3 player, Bluetooth 2.0, and a 1.3 megapixel camera with video capture.  Pictures from the Dash’s camera were clean and crisp for 1.3 megapixels, and video was decent quality.  The WinMo 6.0 OS was quick and responsive in comparison to many other WinMo phones.  The JOGGR control was at times over-sensitive, and mostly remained disabled (I would change the volume by accident during calls).  Multiple programs can be run at the same time, and are controlled through the task manager, where programs that did not close on their own can be ended safely.  Overall I enjoyed this phone a great deal.

The major pros of this phone:

1 ) the phone speaks your appointment reminders into your Bluetooth, or onto the external speaker

2 ) profiles are managed by your calendar; when you have an appointment, the phone automatically enters vibrate only mode

3 ) the navigation on the phone is intuitive, with 4-way directional control and single-clicking during phone operation and web browsing

4 ) WiFi performance is exceptional, acheiving good browsing speed and finding signals easily

5 ) battery life was very good for a smartphone, and decent even when using Bluetooth or WiFi

6 ) Active Sync to the computer is seamless and automatic once connected

7 ) built-in editors for Microsoft Word and Excel are excellent

8 ) multi-tasking!  multiple programs could be running at the same time

The major cons:

1 ) the 200 MHz processor is somewhat slow, though this does not affect the OS too detrimentally in practice

2 ) when working on a spreadsheet and taking a phone call simultaneously, the phone tended to freeze, and would ring continuously until the battery was pulled out… very annoying!

3 ) Windows Mobile 6.0; some of its strengths are unbeatable, but it is by nature a slow and unstable OS

4 ) the JOGGR control is too sensitive during calls, and ends up muting your call completely by accident unless disabled… completely useless control

5 ) the OS fragments over time… big minus in my book, and I will talk more about this next.

Although I enjoyed this phone alot, the Windows Mobile OS fell apart over time.  After only 16 months of owning the phone, I noticed some troubles.  Eventually, it started affecting components of the other devices in the phone, such as the Bluetooth and the calendar announcement feature.  Eventually, the phone started sucking the battery dry in an hour or less, and also booting up multiple times when turned on.  Finally, after a master reset, the phone just booted up endlessly until it would run out of batteries after five minutes.  This phone’s untimely and tragic end has destroyed the reputation of HTC in my mind as a world-class smartphone designer.  As a result, I will not buy HTC products again.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

HTC Touch Pro 2? Anyone Have Problems with it? Or Just Love It?

I'm planning on buying the HTC Touch Pro 2 when my contract runs up in a week. Has anyone had any major problems with it? I hear the battery life could be better, but any smartphone has that problem. But on the other hand i've heard plenty of good about it.

Anyone have any input or anything to help me decide if I should get it?
Check out my video if my actual unboxing. []
I love the phone, as I told another one of my friends, memory could be a bit more, 288 just doesnt seem to do it justice when you start extreme multitasking, but after installing an advanced task manager and memmaid its able to manage its memory more efficiently. I dont like the fact that theres no flash, especially with such a powerful camera, but its not a deal breaker at all, I have a blackberry too, so if it comes to it, I just use the flash from that. The touchflo3D interface is nice compared to other versions, and the overall set up is very great. So yeah if youre planning on getting the phone I definitely recommend it, the onlt cons I have is camera flash and maybe a bit more RAM. Again though, the RAM isnt an issue unless you go overboard with multitasking programs. Source(s): I got one nucca!

Phone help? New phone?


So I have the option of getting a new phone through sprint.

I've broken it down to 2, my upgrade is on october the 1st, and I could get the Palm Pre then, or wait another 10 days and get the HTC hero.

The GSM version has the same software as the CDMA version for sprint, and it seems really nice, but I really need to know which is the better phone?


dude just go 4 N85 u will get every thing

Resum�o dos �ltimos dias!

Só porque eu tive que dar um tempinho nas postagens do blog, varias novidades agitaram o mundinho dos celulares. Então vou correr atrás do prejuízo e fazer um compacto de tudo de mais importante que ocorreu nos últimos dias.

Poderíamos resumir tudo em apenas uma palavra: ANDROID. O sistema operacional do Google dominou os principais lançamentos e anúncios.


Primeiramente, foi divulgado o Dext (Clip para os americanos), o smartphone com Android da Motorola que todos aguardavam. O aparelho apresenta como principal diferencial uma interface customizada através de widgets e a integração com as redes sociais, área que a Motorola já vinha explorando em outros aparelhos. O Dext deve chegar ao Brasil até o final do ano !



Especificações técnicas aqui.

A LG não quis ficar fora da brincadeira e também anunciou seu primeiro celular com Android. O LG GW620 ainda não tem data de lançamento e só será lançado inicialmente na Europa. Mesmo com algumas informações incompletas, eu ainda prefiro o Dext. É a tela capacitiva de 3,1” e interface customizada do Motorola contra a tela de 3” resistiva e o Android padrãozinho do LG.

Especificações técnicas aqui.

Agora vou falar das novidades que desembarcam no mercado brasileiro até o final do ano.Além do Motorola Dext, já citado acima, temos também dois importantes lançamentos que chegam em breve: O HTC Magic e o Samsung Galaxy.

O HTC Magic chegará em Outubro, porém seu preço ainda não foi divulgado. O mais interessante é que o aparelho virá com a elogiada interface HTC Sense, diferente da interface padrão do Android que é encontrado no aparelho desde seu lançamento internacional. Se essa medida será só para o Magic brasileiro, eu não sei, mas que é uma ótima notícia para nós, isso é!

Especificações técnicas aqui.

O Samsung Galaxy deve chegar mais cedo, ainda em Setembro. Será exclusivo da TIM por algum tempo e custará R$1799,00 no pré-pago.


Especificações técnicas aqui.


O Show ME Tech irá fazer um comparativo entre os 3 Androids verde-amarelos para que facilitar a sua escolha!

Prepare-se para a invasão do robozinho!


André Abrão –

HTC Store – Coming to a highstreet near you?

Not quite, but maybe one day. HTC has just opened its second concept store, in Quezon City, Philippines. Explaining the reason for opening the store, Country Manager Mark Dewey Sergio said ‘”Currently we see a growth in the consumer segment and in order for us to enhance our reach to our end users, it’s vital for us to roll out in the retail market as well.”

With HTC looking to penetrate the consumer market more and more, it wouldn’t be a great surprise if more stores start to pop-up in various countries. The first was opened in Malaysia about a year ago, so expect a few more in Asia before they make it to Europe and the UK.

The store in the Philippines offers education of the sue of new features, discounts on handsets and a dedicated customer service scheme. Sergio enthusiastically describes the repair system, saying ‘”Here, customers who wish to optimize and enhance the performance of their HTC devices can bring them to the HTC Concept Store for on-site diagnostic testing.This diagnostic test will easily determine the time required for repairs. In uncomplicated cases, repairs can be finished within two working days while more complex cases may require a longer time. But with our speedy turn-around guarantee for all service repairs conducted at our store, we will provide our customers with a loaned unit during the repair waiting period.”

So, a store where you can take your device, discover the problem and estimated repair time, and borrow a loan device if necessary. Sounds ideal, but still just a concept in a far away place for the time being!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Best new gadgets for business

Our correspondent goes to a geekfest and reports back on five new tools you need now.

Catch that mouse. Logitech's Performance Mouse MX is one to love. Photo: Logitech

I was in gadgetry heaven.

The Pepcom Holiday Spectacular in New York Thursday night was buzzing — and it wasn’t just the sensation of mobile devices on vibrate mode.

With 80 companies — from Hewlett Packard (HPQ)  to Samsung — showing off their goods for the holiday season, the room pulsated with enthusiasm, competitiveness and innovation. It was like the recession didn’t exist!

I can’t go through everything I saw, but here are my top five picks of the most interesting, unique technology solutions for business (and then some honorable mentions).

What: Seagate’s Free Agent Dock Star

How much: $99. For external access, the first year is free, and then $29/year.

When (it’ll hit stores): October

Why it’s cool: Usually, when a company rep tells me something is going to be a “game changer,” I shrug it off, but I was thinking the same thing this time. Seagate (STX) has produced something incredibly simple for file sharing. All you need is an Ethernet connection and a storage device — of any brand — and you can pretty much share your files with anyone, anywhere. It doesn’t matter the size or type.

Just think about that for a second because it’s pretty incredible. You just log into your account to access your storage device(s) and send your boss that huge file that’s too big to attach in an email. Your boss will receive an email that says click here, and it’ll reroute her to the page where she can download those files straight to her desktop. It’s that easy. With lingering concerns of cloud computing and network limitations, this might be the product that’ll revolutionize the way we share files — both at home and at the office.

What: Pong iPhone cover

How much: $59.95

When (it’ll hit stores): Available at now

Why it’s cool: The debate of whether cell phone radiation causes cancer has been ongoing for years. Now after the advent of new technology from UCLA physics professor Alfred Wong, Pong Research has made an iPhone case that actually reduces the radiation transmitting to your brain by 60%. The cover basically bounces the radiation waves back into the air, away from you. It’s the first Federal Communications Commission-certified product to do so.

Now some of you might question whether this will affect reception quality during all those important business phone calls. I made a quick 10-minute phone call with the cover on and the quality was normal, if not perfect. It’s a hard case with the technology pressed on the inside cover, making it look like any other case. (It’s available in black and lime green.) Considering how much cases for Apple’s (AAPL) iPHone cost, this is a very competitive offer. And don’t worry BlackBerry folks, a case will be coming your way in November — along with most smart phones next year, if sales are good.

What: Duracell My Grid

How much: $85

When (it’ll hit stores): October

Why it’s cool: Basically, Duracell has made a charging grid that’s compatible with the iPhone, BlackBerry and most Motorola (MOT) and Nokia (NOK) phones. From far away, it kind of looks like a solar panel. But a typical “grid” can hold four phones and all you have to do is attach a special clip onto your phone, and then you can throw your phone on there and the clip will create a conductive connection with the phone and start charging. Some phones will require an actual case, which you have to buy separately, which is a pain.

But it’s still a good idea, especially if you have multiple phones in the household or at your desk and don’t want to deal with tangled cords. The grid charges pretty much at the same rate as a regular charger and is even a bit more energy efficient since it’s coming from one power source.

What: Logitech Performance Mouse MX

How much: $99

When (it’ll hit stores): Available now

Why it’s cool: Logitech has always been one of those companies that have produced solid computer accessories, from mouses to webcams. And now it’s continuing to champion what it’s known for by creating a mouse that actually tracks on glass. And here I thought its cordless air mouse was cool (it basically functions like a remote for your computer).

It is powered by the company’s Darkfield laser technology; Aalthough the Darkfield seems like a necessary evolution in mouse technology, Logitech’s attention to detail is what makes this product stand out. Take the programmable buttons that’ll give you easy access to whatever you’d like. Or the adjustable scroll, which can move with clicks or can spin freely — making editing long spreadsheets all the more easier to navigate. There’s also a mobile, smaller version of this product for $20 less, if you want a cheaper option.

What: Asus AiGuru SV1

How much: $269

When (it’ll hit stores): Available now

Why it’s cool: The Taiwan-based company has made a 7-inch touch-screen video phone for Skype users. It’s kind of clunky and is about a foot tall, but, my goodness, it’s a video phone! Asus says it’s trying to target older folks who don’t like messing with technology. But there’s a strong possibility for business here, especially since more companies are making Skype-based phone calls for video conferences. Asus has to work on the video quality, for sure, but if it were to improve that and open up to other messengers in an different model, businesses could latch on.

Honorable mentions

What: HP 5310 Probook/Toshiba Portégé R600

How much: $699/ $2,099

When (it’ll hit stores): October/Available now

Why it’s cool: HP debuted its new line of laptops for the holiday season that’ll go with Windows Live 7 last night. It was a solid line-up as always. But the Probook was its notebook targeted specifically for professionals. With a 13.3-inch screen, it’s only 3.7 pounds, 0.9-inch thin but yet has a full-performance processor. That’s pretty cool. Considering the portability, I wish the battery life would have been more than six and a half hours, but it’ll do. The coolest business feature is definitely the HP Quicklook, which allows you to sync your office calendar to your computer and edit at your convience with a push of a button. The other notebook worth mentioning is Toshiba’s Portege R600. Now unless a computer will cook and clean up after me, any price tag of more than $2,000 is absurd these days. Regardless, it was a neat product. At 2.4 pounds, Toshiba still managed to keep the optical drive in the unit. That’s unheard of. It’s under an inch thin, as well, and has a seven-hour battery life with a 12.1-inch screen. The two coolest features? It has no moving parts, and you can still see all your work even if direct sunlight is hitting the screen.

What: HTC Hero

How much: $179.99 with a two-year Sprint contract

When (it’ll hit stores): October

Why it’s cool: It’s been talked about for awhile, but this was the first time the HTC Hero has appeared in the public. It has a touchscreen interface that’s similar to the iPhone (no keyboard), has a scroll wheel like the BlackBerry Curve and has a desktop that’s reminiscient of the Palm Pre — not to mention it’s running on Google’s Android. Could the HTC Hero be the love child of all other smart phones? Maybe, but it was user-friendly, has a full HTML browser (of course), a 5.0 megapixel camera and vibrates when you type, giving it a nice, simple tactile feel. And it was probably the most comfortably smartphone I’ve held, so it’s got that going for it.

What: Jawbone Prime

How much: $129.99

When (it’ll hit stores): Available now

Why it’s cool: Oh, the Jawbone. With a new line the company refers to as “ear candy” and a hefty price tag, it’s obvious what kind of consumer Jawbone wants to appeal to. But it’s a good product. The Prime is a sleeker version of the original Jawbone — now available in seven colors! The Jawbone Prime has improved sound quality and now reduces noise and wind. It’s known to be uber comfortable, resting inside your ear instead of having to do that hook business and agitating your skin. What caught my attention was how it could connect to two phones, so you can easily switch from your personal to professional phone without having to take off your headset.

HTC Tattoo e sua tela resistiva

O HTC Tattoo foi apresentado pela sua fabricante há mais ou menos uma semana, mas só há pouco tempo é que se soube com mais detalhes sobre a sua tecnologia resistiva, que será usada na tela  em detrimento de uma do tipo capacitiva.

A decisão está se prestando a muitas criticas, já que as características de uma tela capacitiva de adaptam com muito mais eficiência ao sistema com que o terminal vai operar, o Android, criado especialmente para elas.

Mas a explicação da HTC é bem racional e faz sentido, segundo a fabricante depois de muitas provas com a tecnologia capacitiva em uma tela mais bem pequena (2.8 polegadas QVGA) perceberam que as ações não eram muito práticas e as funcionalidades perdiam precisão.

Bem outra razão obvia pela que a HTC decidiu não incorporar características multitáteis na tela do Tattoo, é também a redução do preço do celular.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HTC Touch 2 - Make Your Life Hassle Free

The HTC Touch 2 has proved that big things can indeed come in small packages, as HTC has originated this phone with many functions while being sleek and lightweight casing just of 113 grams.  It embeds a slide out QWERTY keyboard that allows the users to slide their keyboard from the side of the handset side by side it supports a TouchFLO 3D control. This well built device integrates various major and minor features which are discussed below:

Basic details of HTC Touch 2:

HTC Touch 2

  • The 3.6 inches touchscreen is built to be very finger friendly and the resolution of the HTC Touch 2 is 480 x 800 pixels for a display that guarantees sharp and clear images while using the multimedia features of the device.
  • The distinctiveness of the handset:
  • Entertainment can be gained with the help of FM radio with RDS and many other music features are also merged such as; Music player, sound recorder, polyphonic and MP3 ringtones.  For more fun and toying more games can be downloaded from the Internet.
  • Besides, the music fun, the device is also compatible with 3.2 mega pixels camera that comes with auto focus and many other features which can capture still images and moving footages. You can also gain second camera for 3G video calling.
  • This tailor-made device provides Internet facility for the users by using HTML browser. On the top, HTC Touch 2 has Qualcomm® Processor and Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional® operating system.
  • Supporting of 288 MB RAM and up to 512 MB of ROM, this proffers a large storage space for images, music and other data by using a MicroSD memory card slot option.

Communicate swiftly:

For the user’s convenience, the phone also offers 3G HSDPA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mini USB, GPRS and EDGE technologies so you can connect the phone with the compatible devices and channelize the data at fast speed. SMS, MMS, Email with attachments and instant messaging are also provided.

Battery backup of the device offers 7 hours GSM, 4.5 hours HSDPA talk time and 348 hours GSM, 454 hours HSDPA standby time as well as it renders 2.5 hours video calling time.

The HTC Popular mobile phone is : HTC Touch Diamond 2 and HTC Touch Pro 2